3 Sheets to the Mouse is a Disney podcast that focuses on the more grown-up side of the world of Disney. Hosts Adam, Tim, and Mikey are rabid Disney fans and are ready to give listeners the lowdown on where and what to drink among other topics. There is a high chance this podcast contains language unsuitable for children and many work environments. Listener discretion is advised.

Saturday Oct 20, 2018
Seamen on the Disney Cruise! ep 86 part 1
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
So, Tim, Adam and Mikey are back from their Halloween on the High Seas aboard the Disney Magic. They went on the inaugural sailing out of New York to Bermuda. They dressed up as pirates, they bent genders and claimed a bar in the name of Three Sheets Nation. This is a 2 part special, so grab your earpods and keep the phone on the charger. It's episode 86 A of Three Sheets to the Mouse!
twitter @3sheetspodcast
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teepublic shirts Magical Meltdown
Opening Credits by Jonathan Young Mr. Young’s Awesome Music
The greatest lounge pianist ever Aaron Lotzow

Sunday Oct 14, 2018
3 Sheets Quickie - Who wants to go to Top of the World???
Sunday Oct 14, 2018
Sunday Oct 14, 2018
So many months ago we started a giveaway where you the listener could have joined us for a bourbon tasting at the top of the word lounge in exchange for your donations to a wonderful cause, Give Kids the World...did you win?? you'll have to listen.
twitter @3sheetspodcast
insta @3sheetspodcast
facebook @3sheets
teepublic shirts Magical Meltdown
Opening Credits by Jonathan Young Mr. Young’s Awesome Music

Thursday Oct 11, 2018
2018 Walt Disney World Fantasy Draft - 3 Sheets vs. Whistling Disney - Episode 85
Thursday Oct 11, 2018
Thursday Oct 11, 2018
Welcome to the 2018 Walt Disney World Fantasy Resort Draft. While the Elder Statesmen are away on the Disney Magic, this week we're joined by Brandt and Sidney Bourque from the Whistling Disney Podcast to draft the Ultimate Walt Disney Resort Area. Team 3 Sheets to the Mouse, joined by Scott’s wife, Andrea, take on Whistling Disney in a head to head no-holds barred, matchup to see who can build the better Walt Disney World.
Follow along as we select Resorts, Rides, and all the Dining and Booze you could handle. When you’re done, head over to our Facebook group and vote who had the better Resort!
twitter @3sheetspodcast
insta @3sheetspodcast
facebook @3sheets
teepublic shirts Magical Meltdown
Opening Credits by Jonathan Young Mr. Young’s Awesome Music

Friday Oct 05, 2018
You've got Questions...we got answers!!! - Episode 84
Friday Oct 05, 2018
Friday Oct 05, 2018
This week on 3 Sheets to the Mouse the guys take on your questions and provide you the best answers to both Disney related Questions...and not so Disney related questions. Find out which of the hosts would get eaten first if we ran out of rations, and who would be the big spoon and who is the little spoon, all this week on 3 Sheets to the Mouse.
twitter @3sheetspodcast
insta @3sheetspodcast
facebook @3sheets
teepublic shirts Magical Meltdown
Opening Credits by Jonathan Young Mr. Young’s Awesome Music

Saturday Sep 29, 2018
EXCLUSIVE: Is this Disney's NEXT Resort??? Episode 83
Saturday Sep 29, 2018
Saturday Sep 29, 2018
This week, each hosts takes a look at resorts that may or may not be coming to Disney World. Everyone gets a chance at imagineering their own resort, be it a value, a moderate or a deluxe. Listen, we're not saying that any of these ideas will get built....but we all know they're listening. Right, Bob?
twitter @3sheetspodcast
insta @3sheetspodcast
facebook @3sheets
teepublic shirts Magical Meltdown
Opening Credits by Jonathan Young Mr. Young’s Awesome Music

Friday Sep 21, 2018
Slinky Dog is Greater Than Seven Dwarves - ep 82
Friday Sep 21, 2018
Friday Sep 21, 2018
Hey, it's episode 82 of 3 Sheets to the Mouse y'all! This week we get the skinny on Trenton's recent trip and find out what his honest impressions are of Toy Story Land. He regales us with tales of debauchery and fuzziness during Food and Wine before we find out how well this blue collar guy can bougie it up like the best of them. It's Woody, A.S.S and a Buzz on this weeks 3 Sheets to the Mouse!
twitter @3sheetspodcast
insta @3sheetspodcast
facebook @3sheets
teepublic shirts Magical Meltdown
Opening Credits by Jonathan Young Mr. Young’s Awesome Music

Sunday Sep 16, 2018
Sunday Sep 16, 2018
OMG, its like sooo amazing!! Disney has totally taken fall by storm (even though it's 100-degrees in Orlando). This week on 3 Sheets to the Mouse, we sit down for a second quickie as we talk about the news and goings on at Disney this fall.
twitter @3sheetspodcast
insta @3sheetspodcast
facebook @3sheets
teepublic shirts Magical Meltdown
Opening Credits by Jonathan Young Mr. Young’s Awesome Music

Wednesday Sep 12, 2018
Wednesday Sep 12, 2018
twitter @3sheetspodcast
insta @3sheetspodcast
facebook @3sheets
teepublic shirts Magical Meltdown
Opening Credits by Jonathan Young Mr. Young’s Awesome Music

Thursday Sep 06, 2018
Plan to Party With Us! - ep 81
Thursday Sep 06, 2018
Thursday Sep 06, 2018
This episode of 3 Sheets to the Mouse is dedicated to all the OG Sheeters. Also to the fresh Sheeters. We're headed to Disney World in November and we spill the details on where we'll be and what we're all doing. Find us, drink with us, tell stories with us, caress Trenton's beard. But not with us, you're on your own for that one. It's a kinda trip planning episode this week on 3 Sheets to the Mouse!
twitter @3sheetspodcast
insta @3sheetspodcast
facebook @3sheets
teepublic shirts Magical Meltdown
Opening Credits by Jonathan Young Mr. Young’s Awesome Music

Thursday Aug 30, 2018
Big Summer Blowout - Trenton gets his Birthday Wish!!! - Episode 80
Thursday Aug 30, 2018
Thursday Aug 30, 2018
Because Trenton is celebrating his birthday, Adam, Scott, Tim and Mikey decide to give him the best birthday present ever...a chance to talk all about Frozen. Trenton spends 2 hours gushing over the movie, the songs, the movie, the sing-along, the movie, the meet and greet, the movie, the ride and the movie!!
So grab some headphone, pour yourself some Norwegian alcohol (whatever that is) and enjoy a Frozen Summer with 3 Sheets to the Mouse.
twitter @3sheetspodcast
insta @3sheetspodcast
facebook @3sheets
teepublic shirts Magical Meltdown
Opening Credits by Jonathan Young Mr. Young’s Awesome Music